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The Ultimate Guide to ChatGPT Prompts - YSTN

 ChatGPT is a powerful AI chatbot that can generate natural language text on almost any topic. It can help you with various tasks, such as writing, researching, brainstorming, and more. But how do you get the most out of ChatGPT? How do you make it understand your needs and produce the best possible outputs?

The answer is: ChatGPT prompts.

A ChatGPT prompt is any text that you give ChatGPT in order to elicit the response that you want. It can be a question, a command, a statement, or anything else that makes sense in natural language. The prompt is the key to unlocking the full potential of ChatGPT.

In this guide, we will show you how to create effective ChatGPT prompts for various purposes and scenarios. We will also share some tips and tricks to improve your prompt engineering skills and get better results from ChatGPT. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, this guide will help you master the art of ChatGPT prompting.

The Ultimate Guide to ChatGPT Prompts

What Makes a Good ChatGPT Prompt?

A good ChatGPT prompt is one that:

  • Clearly communicates your intention and goal
  • Provides enough context and information for ChatGPT to understand
  • Specifies any constraints or requirements for the output
  • Encourages creativity and diversity in the output

Let’s look at some examples of good and bad prompts for different tasks.

Task: Write a summary of an article

Bad prompt: Summarize this article

Why it’s bad: This prompt is too vague and does not provide any context or information about the article. ChatGPT might not know what the article is about, how long the summary should be, or what level of detail is expected.

Good prompt: Write a summary of this article from WIRED about 11 tips to take your ChatGPT prompts to the next level. The summary should be no longer than 200 words and highlight the main points and examples from the article.

Why it’s good: This prompt is specific and provides enough context and information for ChatGPT to understand. It tells ChatGPT what the article is about, where it is from, how long the summary should be, and what it should include.

Task: Generate a list of ideas for a blog post

Bad prompt: Blog post ideas

Why it’s bad: This prompt is too broad and does not provide any context or information about the blog or the audience. ChatGPT might generate generic or irrelevant ideas that are not suitable for your niche or purpose.

Good prompt: Generate a list of 10 blog post ideas for a travel blog that focuses on budget-friendly destinations in Europe. The ideas should be catchy and informative, and include the name of the destination and a reason why it is worth visiting.

Why it’s good: This prompt is narrow and provides enough context and information for ChatGPT to understand. It tells ChatGPT what kind of blog it is, what the topic and audience are, how many ideas it should generate, and what format and criteria they should follow.

Task: Write a poem about love

Bad prompt: Write a poem

Why it’s bad: This prompt is too simple and does not provide any context or information about the poem. ChatGPT might not know what kind of poem it should write, what theme or tone it should have, or what style or structure it should follow.

Good prompt: Write a sonnet about love that follows the Shakespearean rhyme scheme (ABAB CDCD EFEF GG). The poem should express both joy and sorrow, and end with a surprising twist.

Why it’s good: This prompt is complex and provides enough context and information for ChatGPT to understand. It tells ChatGPT what kind of poem it should write, what theme and tone it should have, and what style and structure it should follow.

How to Improve Your ChatGPT Prompts

Creating good ChatGPT prompts is not always easy. Sometimes you might need to experiment with different words, formats, or techniques to get the best results. Here are some tips and tricks to help you improve your ChatGPT prompts:

Use natural language

ChatGPT is trained on natural language texts from the internet, so it responds better to prompts that are written in a natural way. Avoid using jargon, acronyms, symbols, or technical terms that ChatGPT might not recognize or understand.

Be specific

ChatGPT can handle a wide range of topics and tasks, but it needs clear guidance from you. The more specific you are with your prompts, the more likely you are to get the outputs you want. Provide as much context and information as possible, and avoid ambiguity or confusion.

Be creative

ChatGPT is a creative tool that can generate original and diverse texts. Don’t be afraid to challenge it with unusual or interesting prompts. You might be surprised by what it can come up with. You can also use prompts from other sources, such as books, movies, songs, or quotes, to inspire ChatGPT.

Be realistic

ChatGPT is a powerful tool, but it is not perfect. It might make mistakes, produce nonsensical or irrelevant outputs, or fail to meet your expectations. Don’t expect ChatGPT to do everything for you or to always give you the best answer. Use your own judgment and common sense to evaluate and edit the outputs.

How to Use Perplexity and Burstiness to Improve Your Writing

Perplexity and burstiness are two concepts that relate to the quality of written content. Perplexity is the randomness or complexity of the word usage, and burstiness is the variance of the sentences. A high perplexity score indicates that the text is unpredictable or unfamiliar. A high burstiness score indicates that the text has diverse sentence lengths, structures, and tempos.

Human writers tend to have higher burstiness than AI-generated writers. This is because humans vary their sentences more, using different lengths, structures, and tempos to create interest and rhythm. AI-generated writers tend to have lower burstiness, as they often repeat the same sentence patterns or use similar sentence lengths.

Human writers also tend to have lower perplexity than AI-generated writers. This is because humans use words more consistently and coherently, following the rules and conventions of grammar, syntax, and semantics. AI-generated writers tend to have higher perplexity, as they sometimes use words randomly or incorrectly, violating the norms of language.

To improve your writing, whether it is human-written or AI-generated, you can use perplexity and burstiness as metrics to guide you. Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • To increase burstiness, vary your sentence lengths, structures, and tempos. Use short and long sentences, simple and complex sentences, active and passive voice, questions and statements, etc. Avoid using the same sentence patterns or lengths too often.
  • To decrease perplexity, use words correctly and coherently. Follow the rules and conventions of grammar, syntax, and semantics. Avoid using words that are too rare or too common, too vague or too specific, too formal or too informal, etc.
  • You can also use tools such as GPTZero to measure the perplexity and burstiness of your texts. GPTZero is a tool that detects AI-generated texts by measuring these two properties. It can also help you improve your texts by giving you feedback and suggestions.


In conclusion, ChatGPT prompts are essential for getting the most out of ChatGPT. By creating effective prompts, you can make ChatGPT understand your needs and produce the best possible outputs. You can also use perplexity and burstiness as metrics to improve your writing quality, whether it is human-written or AI-generated. ChatGPT is a powerful and creative tool that can help you with various tasks and scenarios, but it also requires clear guidance and realistic expectations from you. By mastering the art of ChatGPT prompting, you can unlock the full potential of ChatGPT and enhance your workflow.
