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How to Create Effective ChatGPT Prompts - YSTN

 ChatGPT is a powerful natural language generation (NLG) model that can generate realistic and engaging text responses based on user input. However, to get the most out of ChatGPT, you need to provide it with effective prompts that guide its generation process and elicit the desired output. In this article, we will explain what prompts are, why they are important, and how to create them for ChatGPT.

Effective ChatGPT Prompts

What are prompts?

Prompts are the text inputs that you provide to ChatGPT to initiate a conversation or a text generation task. They can be as simple as a single word or as complex as a paragraph of instructions. Prompts serve as the starting point for ChatGPT’s generation process, and they influence the style, tone, content, and quality of the output.

Prompts can be divided into two types: implicit and explicit. Implicit prompts are those that do not specify the task or the goal of the generation explicitly, but rather rely on ChatGPT’s general knowledge and context to infer them. For example, if you provide ChatGPT with the prompt “What is your favorite movie?”, it will assume that you want it to generate a response that answers the question and expresses its opinion. Implicit prompts are useful for casual conversations or open-ended tasks, but they can also lead to ambiguity or inconsistency in the output.

Explicit prompts are those that clearly state the task or the goal of the generation, and provide some guidance or constraints for ChatGPT to follow. For example, if you provide ChatGPT with the prompt “Write a summary of the movie Titanic in 100 words or less.”, it will know exactly what you want it to do and how to do it. Explicit prompts are useful for specific tasks or goals, but they can also limit ChatGPT’s creativity or flexibility in the output.

Why are prompts important?

Prompts are important because they determine how ChatGPT will generate text and what kind of text it will generate. Prompts can affect several aspects of the output, such as:

  • Relevance: How well the output matches the task or the goal of the generation.
  • Coherence: How well the output flows logically and consistently from one sentence to another.
  • Accuracy: How well the output reflects factual information and avoids errors or contradictions.
  • Diversity: How well the output varies in vocabulary, syntax, and content.
  • Engagement: How well the output captures the attention and interest of the reader or the user.

By providing effective prompts, you can improve these aspects of the output and achieve better results with ChatGPT.

How to create effective prompts?

Creating effective prompts for ChatGPT is not an easy task, as it requires some understanding of how ChatGPT works and what it can do. However, there are some general principles and tips that can help you create better prompts for any task or goal. Here are some of them:

1. Be clear and specific

The more clear and specific your prompt is, the more likely ChatGPT will generate relevant and coherent output. Avoid vague or ambiguous prompts that can confuse ChatGPT or lead to unwanted results. 

For example, instead of prompting “Write something interesting.”, prompt “Write an interesting fact about dolphins.”.

2. Be concise and simple

The shorter and simpler your prompt is, the more efficient ChatGPT will be in generating output. Avoid long or complex prompts that can overload ChatGPT’s memory or attention span. 

For example, instead of prompting “Write a short story about a young girl who discovers a magical portal in her backyard that leads to a fantasy world where she meets various creatures and goes on adventures.”, prompt “Write a fantasy story about a girl and a portal.”.

3. Be creative and flexible

The more creative and flexible your prompt is, the more diverse and engaging output ChatGPT will generate. Avoid boring or restrictive prompts that can limit ChatGPT’s potential or expression. 

For example, instead of prompting “Write a review of the book Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.”, prompt “Write a review of Harry Potter from the perspective of Voldemort.”.

4. Be informative and helpful

The more informative and helpful your prompt is, the more accurate and reliable output ChatGPT will generate. Provide some background information or context for your prompt that can help ChatGPT understand the task or the goal better. 

For example, instead of prompting “Write an essay about climate change.”, prompt “Write an essay about climate change for a high school audience. Explain what climate change is, what causes it, what effects it has, and what solutions exist.”.

To create effective prompts for ChatGPT, you also need to consider some factors that are specific to ChatGPT’s architecture and capabilities. Here are some of them:

1. Use tokens

Tokens are special symbols that ChatGPT recognizes and uses to perform certain functions or actions. 

For example, the <|end|> token tells ChatGPT to stop generating text, the <|sep|> token tells ChatGPT to separate two segments of text, and the <|pad|> token tells ChatGPT to fill the remaining space with empty characters. You can use tokens to control the length, structure, and format of the output. For example, if you want ChatGPT to generate a summary of a text in 100 words or less, you can prompt “Write a summary of the following text in 100 words or less: <|sep|> [text] <|sep|> [summary] <|end|>”.

2. Use parameters

Parameters are special settings that ChatGPT uses to adjust its generation process and output. For example, the temperature parameter controls how random or predictable the output is, the top_k parameter controls how many words ChatGPT considers at each step of generation, and the top_p parameter controls how likely ChatGPT is to choose a word based on its probability. You can use parameters to fine-tune the output according to your preferences and needs. 

For example, if you want ChatGPT to generate more diverse and creative output, you can increase the temperature parameter and decrease the top_k parameter.

3. Use examples

Examples are sample inputs and outputs that ChatGPT uses to learn from and emulate. For example, if you provide ChatGPT with an example of a poem and ask it to write another poem in the same style, it will try to mimic the rhyme scheme, meter, and tone of the example. You can use examples to teach ChatGPT new skills or tasks, or to improve its performance on existing ones. 

For example, if you want ChatGPT to write better summaries, you can provide it with examples of good summaries and bad summaries and ask it to explain why they are good or bad.


In this article, we learned how to create effective prompts for ChatGPT, a powerful natural language generation model. We discussed the types, importance, and principles of prompts, and we also explored some factors and techniques that are specific to ChatGPT’s architecture and capabilities. By following these guidelines, you can improve the quality and diversity of ChatGPT’s output and achieve better results for any task or goal.
